As of February 18th, there is a FedEx National Weather Disruption in effect. Due to dangerous Winter weather conditions, all FedEx flights to the Memphis Hub were canceled tonight. We are working closely with FedEx and and doing our best to monitor Winter weather moving across the US.  There may be additional delays and disruptions in specific areas affected by flooding, fires etc.  

Please note that frozen orders scheduled to ship via 2 day air from our facility going East are processed in Memphis and did not ship.  These orders will ship on either February 24th or 25th.  We apologize for the delay, but we want to ensure that our packages arrive in good condition.  

We appreciate your business and patience

GP 100-800 Micron Sampler Pack

Breeders! Reduce your feeding anxiety. We provide complete nutrition and proper particle size as your fry grow. And you can save money in the process! Our FOUR PACK consists of Original Golden Pearls sized 100-200 Micron, GP 200-300 Micron, GP 300-500 Micron, and Original Golden Pearl 500-800 Micron - all in the 2 oz. size. A perfect range of particle sizes to see most fish from the free swimming stage to the juvenile, post-artemia stage.


Ingredients: marine fish, krill (23%), fish roe, soy lecithin, yeast autolysate, micro-algae, fish gelatin, squid meal, hydrogenated vegetable fat, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants.  

Proximate analysis: Protein, 55%; Lipids, 15%; Ash, 12%; Moisture, 8%; Vitamin C, 2550 ppm; Vitamin E, 425 ppm; EPA,10mg/g; DHA, 12 mg/g. 

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