As of February 18th, there is a FedEx National Weather Disruption in effect. Due to dangerous Winter weather conditions, all FedEx flights to the Memphis Hub were canceled tonight. We are working closely with FedEx and and doing our best to monitor Winter weather moving across the US.  There may be additional delays and disruptions in specific areas affected by flooding, fires etc.  

Please note that frozen orders scheduled to ship via 2 day air from our facility going East are processed in Memphis and did not ship.  These orders will ship on either February 24th or 25th.  We apologize for the delay, but we want to ensure that our packages arrive in good condition.  

We appreciate your business and patience

Frozen Daphnia

Daphnia has always been a critical link in the aquatic food chain. Why shouldn't it be part of your fish's feeding regimen?

Brine Shrimp Direct has secured a reliable source of the nutritious natural food- Daphnia spp., that has been harvested in Eurasia, chilled and frozen on-board the fishing vessel, ensuring greater retention of nutrients and flavourants that stimulate the feeding response in fish.

Available in 1-kg. frozen blocks. Daphnia (Daphnia spp.), a small crustacean also known as a water flea, is organic and naturally full of blue-green algae; a excellent source of HUFA's, including Arachidonic acid, Alpha-Linolenic acid and Linoleic acid.

Wild-Harvested. No Antibiotics. No Additives. A Diet normally rich in blue-green algae, to produce brighter colors in your fish!

Generally higher in HUFA (Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids) content than Artemia. Used In Commercial Aquaculture. Size: 500 to 1750 microns in size - slightly larger than newly hatched artemia. Order today and start improving your aquarium's nutritional needs.

Just wanted to let you know the frozen daphnia arrived in perfect condition solidly frozen, in spite of temperature today of 96F. Great packing! Dry ice still solid.

Dave S.

Proximate analysis: Moisture, 95.2%; Protein, 2.6%; Fat, 0.9%; Ash, 0.63%; Fiber, 0.24%; Other, 0.44% [Dry weight conversion: Protein, 51%; Fat, 18%; Ash, 12%; Moisture, 6%; Fiber, 5%; Other, 9% (Wasatch Laboratories)]



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