Plankton Gold Flake - LT

Plankton Gold-LT Flake is now made with 250 ppm astaxanthin! Astaxanthin derived from natural sources will bring out the most vibrant colors possible in your fish. Its balanced nutritional formula promotes rapid growth and health.

Plankton Gold LT Flake contains highly-digestible fish protein combined with carotenoid-rich zooplankton. Like Cool Cichlid, Plankton Gold-LT contains both Euphausia pacifica krill and Arctic copepods (Calanus spp.) You can dispense with messy, home-made diets! Plankton Gold LT Flake contains paracoccus (source of astaxanthin), beta-carotene and spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) algae - ingredients containing carotenoids your fish require to realize their true colors. A preferred choice for commercial breeders, Plankton Gold LT Flake is recommended for fast growing fry or as a primary feed for colorful ornamentals. It is also great for finicky eaters.

Our low temperature (LT) process results in improved protein and vitamin retention and improved water stability when compared with conventionally processed flake.

Brine Shrimp Direct's products are trusted by public aquaria, universities, government fish hatcheries, the NOAA, the EPA and laboratories throughout North America.

Ingredients: Fish protein hydrolysate, fresh frozen zooplankton (by wet weight), yeast, soy, wheat flour, wheat gluten, egg, krill meal, refined marine fish oil, lecithin, calanoid copepod powder, spirulina, Paracoccus, beta-carotene, vitamin C (1,750 ppm), vitamin and mineral premix, beneficial bacteria. Contains no artificial coloring or added chemical preservatives.


Proximate Analysis: Protein, 48%; Fat, 11%; Ash, 6%; Moisture, 8%; 250 ppm astaxanthin.

[Updated 10.13.21]

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