As of February 18th, there is a FedEx National Weather Disruption in effect. Due to dangerous Winter weather conditions, all FedEx flights to the Memphis Hub were canceled tonight. We are working closely with FedEx and and doing our best to monitor Winter weather moving across the US.  There may be additional delays and disruptions in specific areas affected by flooding, fires etc.  

Please note that frozen orders scheduled to ship via 2 day air from our facility going East are processed in Memphis and did not ship.  These orders will ship on either February 24th or 25th.  We apologize for the delay, but we want to ensure that our packages arrive in good condition.  

We appreciate your business and patience

Cool Earth

COOL EARTH (formerly Earthworm Plus) is formulated as a premium maturation diet made with fresh Canadian Nightcrawlers (Lumbricidae sp.).

Because COOL EARTH is dried at much lower temperatures than conventional flakes and pellets, the benefits of using cultured, fresh Canadian Earthworms are not lost in the processing. Like our other AQUANIX flakes, COOL EARTH delivers intact, complex proteins that are ideal for conditioning breeding pairs! Compared to other protein sources, earthworms are recognized as one of the best and most complete sources of amino acids for fish.

Cool cooking methodology, unlike pelleting, extrusion, and conventional flaking surpasses all other methods for preserving lipids and vitamins and maintaining the integrity of marine proteins and attractants - giving our customers even greater assurance that all the care, time and money that they spend on their show and reef tanks wll be equaled by our product.

COOL EARTH, like all AQUANIX Flake Diets, not only has exceptional water stability, but it contains viable beneficial bacteria that can facilitate the conversion of fish waste and uneaten food into harmless microbial biomass and carbon dioxide - so you'll see an improvement in water quality as well as in the overall health of your aquarium.

Find out today what separates us from our competitors!

Proximate Analysis:
Protein, 49.1; Fat, 14%; Ash, 5.2%; Fiber, 1.5%; Moisture, 11.6%. (Midwest Laboratories. Feb 1, 2023)

Yeast and yeast extracts, soy, egg, wheat gluten, fresh earthworm (by dry weight), casein, krill meal, kelp (rockweed), spirulina, paracoccus (natural source of carotenoids), insect meal, lecithin, Carophyll (source of astaxanthin), vitamin and mineral premix, stabilized Vitamin C, beneficial bacteria.

Contains no artificial colors or preservatives.

Narrow Your Choices:

Habitat Key

fresh water fish food FRESHWATER
salt water fish food SALTWATER
salt and freshwater fish food FRESH & SALTWATER
Cool Earth, 16 oz. (454 g)


fresh water fish food
Cool Earth, 3 lb. pail


fresh water fish food
Cool Earth, 10 lb. pail


fresh water fish food
Cool Earth, 20 lb Box


Cool cooking methodology, unlike pelleting, extrusion, and conventional flaking surpasses all other methods for preserving lipids and vitamins and maintaining the integrity of marine proteins and attractants - giving our customers even greater assurance that all the care, time and money that they spend on their show and reef tanks wll be equaled by our product.

COOL EARTH, like all AQUANIX Flake Diets, not only has exceptional water stability, but it contains viable beneficial bacteria that can facilitate the conversion of fish waste and uneaten food into harmless microbial biomass and carbon dioxide - so you'll see an improvement in water quality as well as in the overall health of your aquarium.

Find out today what separates us from our competitors!

Proximate Analysis:
Protein, 49.9%; Lipids, 11.6%; Ash, 4.6%; Fiber, 1.6%; Moisture, 12.8%

Yeast and yeast extracts, soy, egg, wheat gluten, fresh earthworm (by dry weight), casein, krill meal, kelp (rockweed), spirulina, paracoccus (natural source of carotenoids), insect meal, lecithin, Carophyll (source of astaxanthin), vitamin and mineral premix, stabilized Vitamin C, beneficial bacteria.

Contains no artificial colors or preservatives.



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