Ay Caribe Frozen Cube Trays, 7-Pack
!AY CARIBE! FROZEN CARIBBEAN REEF MIX in convenient cube trays is perfect for your mixed reef aquarium. Let us take the hastle and the mess out of preparing and feeding frozen foods. !AY CARIBE! is Full of variety and naturally delicious at a fraction of the cost!
Seven 100-gram (3 oz.) frozen cube trays of the Caribbean Reef Mix. Made with fresh frozen rinsed and prepared ingredients including herring roe, red calanoid copepods, cyclopods, rotifers, krill, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, mussel meat, spirulina, whole leaf algae, garlic, krill oil, paracoccus (source of astaxanthin), vitamins and soidum alginate. !AY CARIBE! also contains viable beneficial bacteria.
Price includes insulated packaging and dry ice to ship to most locations via Fedex Next and Second Day service. If you have any questions or to confirm shipping charges, please call (1-800-303-7914). Product ships on Mondays and Tuesday only unless other arrangements are made. If you live in California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona or New Mexico, please call for lower FedEx Ground shipping options (some locales excluded).