As of February 18th, there is a FedEx National Weather Disruption in effect. Due to dangerous Winter weather conditions, all FedEx flights to the Memphis Hub were canceled tonight. We are working closely with FedEx and and doing our best to monitor Winter weather moving across the US.  There may be additional delays and disruptions in specific areas affected by flooding, fires etc.  

Please note that frozen orders scheduled to ship via 2 day air from our facility going East are processed in Memphis and did not ship.  These orders will ship on either February 24th or 25th.  We apologize for the delay, but we want to ensure that our packages arrive in good condition.  

We appreciate your business and patience

Nannochloropsis Algae Paste

Nannochloropsis sp. is a small green algae, 1-2 microns in diameter, that is used extensively in the aquaculture industry for growing small zooplankton such as rotifers, copepods, daphnia and artemia. It is also used extensively in reef tanks for feeding SPS corals and other filter-feeders that require extremely small phytoplankton to thrive. General useage guideline: 1 - 2 drops for every 10 gallons aquaria. Available in a convenient 125 ml. for hobbyists

NOTE: Off-the-shelf Nannochloropsis Algae Paste no longer contains food grade glycerine as a cryopreservative to prevent the algae from freezing solid when kept at below freezing temperatures. For daily use, Nannochloropsis Algae Paste should be stored Frozen. Once thawed, store in refrigerator (31 to 39° Fahrenheit) to maintain its optimum nutritional value and freshness for up to a period of three months. The product can also be kept frozen (as a solid) for long term storage.

Concentration: Approx. 68 billion cells per milliliter. Contents: non-viable Nannochloropsis sp. algal cells, water. Dry weight: 18%

Analysis: 52% Protein, 12% Carbohydrate, 28% Lipid , EPA ( of fatty acids) 33%


Product ships on Mondays and Tuesdays only unless other arrangements are made.



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