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HUFA Enrichment Powder

HUFA Enrichment Powder for Artemia

Dried HUFA Powder, 2 oz (56.5 gm.).

Customers who purchase this product may wish to consider an Artemia Sieve for ease of harvesting.

Ingredients:  Spray-dried hi-HUFA micro-algae, spirulina, yeast, carophyll (as source of astaxanthin), silica dioxide (to prevent clumping).

Proximate Analysis: Protein, 35% min.; Lipids, 15% min.; Ash, 10% max.; Carbohydrates, 18% min.; Fiber, 2% max.; Moisture, 4% max.  Fatty Acids: DHA, 25% of total lipid; EPA, 8% of total lipid.

Storage and Handling: Store in a tightly sealed container in a dry, cool area.

Instructions for Artemia Enrichment:

  1. Using a high speed blender, blend 0.4 grams of HUFA Enrichment Powder into 500 ml. seawater for 8 minutes at high speed.
  2. Stock gently rinsed 24-hour old artemia nauplii into a clean, aerated 1-liter capacity container filled to the 500-ml. mark with clean seawater. Stock artemia at a density of approximately 100 nauplii per ml.
  3. Add 250 ml of enrichment solution at Time 0 and again 12 hours later. Provide ample aeration.
  4. After 24 hours, harvest and feed enriched nauplii to larval shrimp or fish.

[Quick math: 100 nauplii per ml. times 500 mls. = 50,000 nauplii. If you hatched out one gram of cysts the previous day (approx. 275,000 cysts per gram) and assuming an 80 percent hatch rate (220,000 nauplii); 50,000 nauplii would represent about 1/4th of your total hatch to be placed in the 500-ml container.]

HUFA Enrichment Powder, 2 oz




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