San Francisco Strain Brine Shrimp Eggs

The San Francisco Bay area and several other hypersaline biotopes are home to a species, or subspecies, of brine shrimp often referred to as the "San Francisco strain" of the more commonly found Artemia franciscana. The newly hatched nauplii of the cysts harvested from these unique biotopes are prized by serious aquarists because of their smaller size and generally higher HUFA value. The San Francisco strain cysts represent only a tiny portion of all cysts which are harvested worldwide and because of their limited numbers, are more expensive to obtain. Brine Shrimp Direct has secured a source of these select eggs and can offer them directly to you. With over 300,000 cysts per gram, this product yields over 265,000 nauplii per gram, an 85% yield! For tips on hatching and storage procedures, visit our FAQ's page.

Subject to availability. 

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